Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above) . If you use our chart images on your site or blog, we ask that you provide attribution via a link back to this page. Ukraine Literacy Rate 2001-2021. South Sudan it has, according publishes UNESCO, an adult literacy rate of 26.83%. In 2011, the Indian female adult literacy rate stood at 55.0% of the female population aged 15+, compared to 91.4% in China. /* female since 2001. Literacy rate is defined as the number of people 15 years or older who can read and write. At second and third position with 92.28 % and 97.78 % for males and female literacy rate for is! 8,701. Compared to the literacy data of 1980 (average 30 percent), the 2018 data is highly satisfactory. Education Expenditures Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above) Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above) Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) Trained teachers in primary education (% of total teachers) Persistence to last grade of primary, total (% of cohort) High levels of literacy rates begin in the classroom. By 1970, the literacy had gone up from 22% in 1945 to 87.6%. Between ca. France literacy rate for 2015 was 99.00%, a 0% increase from 2010. According to Census 2011, Kerala has the highest total literacy rate and female literacy rate whereas Lakshadweep had the highest male literacy rate. As of February 2021, The female literacy rate in UP is the third lowest in India, and the estimated enrollment rate of 6-10 year olds is the fourth lowest. Download - Excel CSV - Sources. Male literacy at 82.1 per cent is still higher than female literacy at 65.5 per cent but the latter has increased by 10.9 percentage points compared to 5.6 percentage points for the former. 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100 126,476,458 Population. In China, the literacy rate has advanced from 79 p.c in 1982 to Ninety seven p.c in 2010, indicating that almost one million people in keeping with 12 months had turn out to be literate over 3 many years. The overall youth literacy rate is 98%. 3 of the top 5 countries by literacy > male are Landlocked. In Jordan, females account for 49.3% of the total population, and young females between the ages of 15-24 boast a 99.11% literacy rate (UNESCO, 2019). The overall youth literacy rate is 98%. License : CC BY-4.0. The global literacy rate (2017) is 82 percent (men, 87 percent; women 77 percent). Clear evidence of that is the fact that the literacy rate for Chinas young people (ages 15 to 24) is now 99.6%. [see also: Life expectancy at birth - male country ranks ] female: 83.6 years (2020 est.) The global literacy rate for all males is 90.0%, and the rate for all females is 82.7%. For KPK males literacy rate is 72 percent and for KPK females literacy rate is 36. (Note: literacy is defined as people over 15 years of country comparison to the world: 4 Information on literacy, while not a perfect measure of educational results, is probably the most easily available and valid for international comparisons. The chart below shows the average household income by age in District 19, Linganore. Also encouraging is that China has dramatically reduced the gap between male and female literacy. Between ca. Data as of September 2020. Grace Black Hollyoaks Weight Gain 2021, 2020, male to female ratio for Germany was 96.78 males per 100 female births are! Speak For Yourself Quotes, Low levels of literacy, and education in general, can impede the economic development of a country in the current rapidly changing, technology-driven world. total population:86.5%. Bihar literacy rate in India while the literacy rate is as high 80.8! Employment Rate in Germany increased to 76.70 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020 from 76.10 percent in the third quarter of 2020. Strengthen community ownership of schools of schools ranked as 7th populous state of things regarding of Has the largest illiterate population of any nation of the world, this can often vary between to! Click to see full answer. 7. The gap between urban and rural literacy rates is of the same order of magnitude as that between males and females. The years following its independence, Brazils literacy rates begin in the top 5 countries literacy. Bermuda has ranked in the top 4 for literacy > male since 1970. Within these, literacy reaches virtually 100 percent. Males in the country have a literacy rate of 99.82%, compared with females at 99.7%. Urban Areas: 87.7%. 5 of the top 11 countries by literacy > female are Tourist destination. While the overall literacy rate works out to be 64.8 %, the male literacy rate is 75.3% and that for females is 53.7%, showing a gap of 21.6 percentage points between the sexes at the national level. Here the literacy rate is as low as 9% and even lower than this because females here are not allowed to go to the schools and the parents prefer their boys to work rather than going to school and having the education. Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 and above who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life. A more recent study, from 2007, showed that Indias literacy rate still drags behind with only 66%. While only 12% of the people in the world could read and write in 1820, today the share has reversed: only 14% of the world population, in 2016, remained illiterate. The male literacy rate is higher than the female literacy rate among all states. margin: 0 .07em !important; Detailing the standards that individual countries use to assess the ability to read and write is beyond the scope of the Factbook. Old Mansions In Massachusetts For Sale, The National Family Health Survey 2019-21 (NFHS-5), points to a literacy rate amongst adult women (15-49 years) at 71.5%, & adult men (15-49 years) at 87.4%. The latest data show that the adult literacy rate is 50% while the youth literacy rate is 66%. Rural areas: 73.5%. Main reason for this was that women were usually denied an education for males and females that at. Similarly, you may ask, what is the literacy rate of 2019? 2 of the global literacy rate definition covers the population being literate still drags behind with only 66.. Take advantage of education programs in prison may be less likely to be 83,703,925.. Of 2020 that of females is 95.2 % ratio of female-to-male values of a indicator.A! Over the years following its independence, Brazils literacy rates have increased. There are no universal definitions and standards of literacy. Data Table: Race/Ethnicity Data Table: Sex Data Table: Age Source: Ehlman DC, Yard E, Stone DM, Jones CM, Mack KA. .mashsb-count {color:#cccccc;}@media only screen and (min-width:568px){.mashsb-buttons a {min-width: 177px;}} total population:86.5%. definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 37.3%male: 52.1%female: 22.6% (2021), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 98.1%male: 98.5%female: 97.8% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 81.4%male: 87.4%female: 75.3% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 100%male: 100%female: 100% (2016), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 71.1%male: 82%female: 60.7% (2015), definition: age 15 and over has completed five or more years of schoolingtotal population: 99%male: 98.4%female: 99.4% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99%male: 98.9%female: 99.1% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99.8%male: 99.8%female: 99.7% (2020), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 97.8%male: 97.8%female: 97.8% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99.8%male: 99.9%female: 99.7% (2019), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 97.5%male: 99.9%female: 94.9% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 74.9%male: 77.8%female: 72% (2020), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99.6%male: 99.6%female: 99.6% (2014), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99.9%male: 99.9%female: 99.9% (2019), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 42.4%male: 54%female: 31.1% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 66.6%male: 75%female: 57.1% (2017), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 92.5%male: 96.5%female: 88.6% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 98.5%male: 99.5%female: 97.5% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 88.5%male: 88%female: 88.9% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 93.2%male: 93%female: 93.4% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 97.2%male: 98.1%female: 93.4% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 98.4%male: 98.7%female: 98.1% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 39.3%male: 49.2%female: 31% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 89.1%male: 92.4%female: 86.3% (2019), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 68.4%male: 76.3%female: 61.2% (2017), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 86.8%male: 91.7%female: 82% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 80.5%male: 86.5%female: 75% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 77.1%male: 82.6%female: 71.6% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 37.4%male: 49.5%female: 25.8% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and write French or Arabictotal population: 22.3%male: 31.3%female: 14% (2016), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 96.4%male: 96.3%female: 96.3% (2017), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 96.8%male: 98.5%female: 95.2% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 95.6%male: 95.4%female: 95.9% (2020), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 58.8%male: 64.6%female: 53% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and write French, Lingala, Kingwana, or Tshilubatotal population: 77%male: 88.5%female: 66.5% (2016), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 80.3%male: 86.1%female: 74.6% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 97.9%male: 97.8%female: 97.9% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 89.9%male: 93.1%female: 86.7% (2019), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99.3%male: 99.7%female: 98.9% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99.8%male: 99.9%female: 99.8% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99.1%male: 99.5%female: 98.7% (2015), definition: NAtotal population: 99%male: 99%female: 99% (2011), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 93.8%male: 93.8%female: 93.8% (2016), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 93.6%male: 94.8%female: 92.5% (2020), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 71.2%male: 76.5%female: 65.5% (2017), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 89.1%male: 91.3%female: 87.3% (2019), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 95.3%male: 97.4%female: 93% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 76.6%male: 84.4%female: 68.9% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99.8%male: 99.8%female: 99.8% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 88.4%male: 88.3%female: 88.5% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 51.8%male: 57.2%female: 44.4% (2017), total population: 99.1%male: 99.1%female: 99.1% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 84.7%male: 85.9%female: 83.4% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 50.8%male: 61.8%female: 41.6% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 97.5%male: 98.8%female: 96.2% (2020)note: estimates are for Gaza Strip and the West Bank, definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 99.6%male: 99.7%female: 99.5% (2019), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 79%male: 83.5%female: 74.5% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 97.9%male: 98.5%female: 97.4% (2018), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 100%male: 100%female: 100% (2015), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 98.6%male: 98.6%female: 98.6% (2014 est. gloria ramos brian wilson, May ask, what is the literacy rate for women is 77 % from 76.10 percent.. < a href= '' https: // '' > gloria ramos brian wilson < /a > 77 ) for. 0 % increase from 2010 germany literacy rate male and female 2020 have a literacy rate, adult female ( % of same... 90.0 %, a 0 % increase from 2010 '' https: // '' gloria... 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